Moringa Leaf Powder / Serbuk Daun Kelor 辣木叶粉 Murungai / Drumstick Tree – Natural Food Grade



Product: Moringa Leaf Powder

The leaves of the Moringa Oleifera tree are dried and powdered to create Moringa Leaf Powder. This powder is classified a Super food or Whole Food because it is one of the most nutrient-rich plants known to science, and gives you a wide variety of nutritional beneftis.
The leaves pack a powerful punch with high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, and Potassium. The powder is typically used as a supplement in foods such as in smoothies, salads, and teas.

Suggestion Use:
1. Pay attention to the dosage. After a meal or before a meal, take 3 grams of Moringa powder each time, stir with a small amount of hot water to form a paste, and then brew with hot water. It is recommended to add any of the following combinations, milk, soy milk, oats, rice porridge, Honey or other drinks to drink together. Avoid taking Moringa powder on an empty stomach.
2. Add flour or stuffing according to 4-7% Moringa powder to make noodles, bread and steamed buns, dumplings, pastries, meat, cooking, baking, frying, etc.
3. As a seasoning, take 5g-10g of Moringa powder and add it to soups such as chicken, duck, goose, fish, etc. for cooking and drinking.
4. Add a teaspoon each of milk, honey, and flour, and apply a facial mask (for those with sensitive skin, please use a small amount of testing)

Blend into vegetable smoothies and shakes.
Add to dips, pestos, and guacamole.
Bake into breads and other sweet goods
Stir into soups
Steep into teas.

Note: Not suitable for people with severe asthma, allergic physique, pregnant women, babies, and people with low blood pressure should avoid taking Moringa powder on an empty stomach.

1。 注意服用量, 饭后或开饭前,每次去辣木粉3克,先用少量热开水搅拌成糊状,再用热水冲泡,建议加入以下任意搭配, 牛奶,豆浆,燕麦,米粥,蜂蜜或其它饮品一起饮用。忌空腹服用辣木粉。
3。 作为调料,取辣木粉5g-10g, 加入鸡,鸭,鹅,鱼等汤中烹饪饮用。
不适宜人群-严重气喘,过敏性体质人群及孕妇,婴儿慎用, 低血压者忌空腹食用辣木粉。

小提示: 注意服用量,辣木粉含有丰富的膳食纤维,可促进肠胃蠕动大便次数增多(初次使用),特别是肠道油脂多的肥胖者,如果吞食生辣木粉个别会引起肠胃热感和反胃,属正常情况服用一段时间即可改善,